41. What can I say about these kanji to make you see them differently? 舌 牛 若 吾 十


舌  ZETSU, shita - tongue

牛  GYUU, ushi - cow

若  JAKU, waka(i), moshikuwa - young, or

吾  A - me

十  JUU, tou, to - Ten

Add 言 (GEN, GON, i(u), koto - Say, speech) so that they can say something else!

話  WA, hana(su) - story, talk

許  KYO, yuru(su) - permit, allow

諾  DAKU - consent, agree to

語  GO, kata(ru) - Story, Tell

計  KEI, haka(ru), haka(rau) - plan, total, measure