14. These five characters all change their meaning if you add a little colour. How so? 小 米 シ 言 日


小  SHOU, chii(sai), ko - small

米  BEI, MAI, kome - rice 

シ  katakana "shi"

言  GEN, GON, i(u), koto - say, speech

日  JITSU, hi, ka - Sun, Day

Adding a touch of blue; 青 (SEI, ao), gives us the following:  

情  JOU, SEI, nasa(ke) - emotion, sympathy

精  SEI, SHOU - spirit, integrity, vitality

清  SEI, kiyo(i), kiyo(meru) - clean, pure, purify, cleanse

請  SEI, SHIN, ko(u), u(keru) - ask for, receive

晴  SEI, ha(reru) - become clear (weather)