6. Each of these characters has a twin, another character that looks almost exactly the same. Can you find them?  予 丈 入 太 氷


予  YO - previous, in advance

looks like 

矛  MU, hoko - halberd, spear


丈  JOU, take - unit of length, height

looks like 

文  BUN, MON, fumi - text, literature


入  NYUU, i(ru), hai(ru) - enter, in

looks like 

人  JIN, NIN, hito - person


太  TAI, TA, futo(i), futo(ru) - thick, fat

looks like 

犬  KEN, inu - dog


氷  HYOU, kouri, hi, kou(ru) - ice, freeze

looks like 

永  EI, naga(i) - long (time)

If you found any others, let me know!