5. Which is the odd one out、and what should go in it's place?  日 未 害 酒 私


日  JITSU, hi,ka - Sun, Day 

未  MI - not yet 

害  GAI - injury, damage 

酒  SHU, sake, saka - alcohol 

私  SHI, watashi - I, private

Watashi (私) should be something like one of the following, as each contains a hidden number kanji. 

日  : 一 (one)   未 : 二(two)   害 : 三(three)   酒 : 四(four)

語  GO, kata(ru) - language, story, tell : 五(five)

悟  GO, sato(ru) - percieve, understand, realise : 五

吾  A - me : 五

梧  GO, aogiri - a type of plant : 五