人 JIN, NIN, hito - person
十+人+井 JUU, tou, to - ten / JIN, NIN, hito - person / SEI, SHOU, i - well
⻖+立+一+H The "Kozatohen" radical - hill, mound / RITSU, RYUU, ta(tsu), ta(teru) - stand / ICHI, ITSU, hito(tsu) - one / Alphabet "H"
キ Katakana "Ki"
⼐+土+犬+⺣ The "Kannyou" radical - container, open box / DO, tsuchi - earth, soil / KEN, inu - dog / The "Rekka" radical - fire
Add 干 (KAN, hi(ru), ho(su) - get dry, dry, drink up) and watch them dry out.
本 HON, moto - root
耕 KOU, tagaya(su) - till, plow, cultivate
障 SHOU, sawa(ru) - hinder, interfere, harm, hurt
拝 HAI, oga(mu) - pray, venerate
黙 MOKU, dama(ru) - become silent, say nothing